Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Inspired by Future Race

Hi there!  Look - one of our sunflowers is almost there!
Ok, onto my actual post.  I want to share with you this race I found out about recently.  For starters, I love reading about ultrarunners.  For those of you who aren’t quite sure who I’m talking about, an ultrarunner runs distances longer than a marathon.  These runners race in 50K, 50 mile, 100K, 100 mile, and above races.  I find it incredibly fascinating, inspiring, intriguing...  
I found a training plan for a 50 miles race online and the highest training run was 28 miles.  My highest run for the marathon is 22 miles (that’s my goal anyways) so that’s not that big of a difference.  The major distinction in training for a 50 miler is the back-to-back weekend runs – long runs on both Saturday and Sunday.  This gets your legs acclimated to running on tired legs which is essentially what you’re doing for the second half of the race. 
So as you know I’m training for a marathon right now (and you probably think I’m a bit nutty because I haven’t even completed that yet), but I like to think big and into the future.  Even though I’m currently training for one race doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about my next – it gets my excited and motivated!  Here’s the description for the race I found online that I just had to share.  The race is located about 90 miles outside of NYC.
Rock The Ridge is a 50-mile endurance challenge and environmental fundraiser set in the natural beauty of Mohonk Preserve, a vast, nonprofit nature preserve situated in the mid-Hudson Valley of New York State. The goal is to traverse a 50-mile course within 24 hours by walking, running, or any combination thereof. The course winds along carriage roads and paths through the forests and over the ridgelines of the Preserve, lands which The Nature Conservancy has described as “one of Earth's last great places.”
The entry fee is a bit pricier than a marathon and I’d have to raise $250 in charitable funds for the Mohonk Preserve and its mission to preserve and protect the beautiful lands that lie within its boundaries.  But what a good thing!
  Here’s the site with lots more information on this challenge:
It’s May 3, 2014, so a while away...  I have no idea if this is something I’m up for yet, but man it’s definitely something I’d like to do someday.  I imagine running 20 miles, eating lunch, running another 15, eating dinner, and finishing it.  This could just be a fleeting thought, but definitely something on my mind.  I think I'll see how the marathon goes first, but at least now I know the challenge is out there.
  Is anyone else intrigued?
Would you ever do a race longer than a marathon?  Do you prefer the trails or roads when running?


  1. Last year while I was training for the Goofy Challenge (a half marathon on Saturday and a full marathon on Sunday at Disney World) I got very inspired reading ultra marathoner books. It is definitely something I want to do one day. That race looks awesome and so pretty. Maybe I should think more about doing it. It would prob be a 2015 goal for me. Since my next marathon is the 2014 NYC marathon. It might work well into my training program. I can't wait to hear what you decide to do.

    1. That's so cool that you did the Goofy Challenge! How'd it go??? If you do Rock The Ridge it in 2015 - let me know!!! Can't wait to hear about your training for the NYC marathon. That's another race I want to do one day! :)

    2. I did it back in 2010 and I got a cold that week so I'm hoping for a much better experience next year :) The goofy was great I took it easy, to be honest too easy. I had no idea what to expect but I should have ran it harder.

  2. Wow! The race sounds beautiful and you're definitely capable of handling it so I don't so why not right? Always great to have goals. I hope to one day run a half which might kill me so out of the question for me but you better bet I'll be cheering for you!!

    1. You can absolutely do a half! It's all about gradually upping your miles - your body will surprise you how it adapts! Thanks for the encouragement :)

  3. ultra marathoning is the new marathoning haha. let me get through a run longer than 14 miles and i'll get back to you ;-)

    1. All these inspiring ultramarathoners - hard not to be intrigued! :)

  4. I LOVE planning into the future, haha! This looks pretty badassssss! You could and should do it! What an experience. The training seems intense, but that's what months of training is all about-- getting your body and mind used to it!

    1. If my marathon goes well, it would definitely be encouragement to try this. But yeah I think it would just be a heck of an experience too!!! I kinda just want to see what my body is capable of!

  5. Sounds perfect to me!! I can't run anymore because of knee problems, but I'll be rooting for you :)

  6. My maid of honour for my wedding asked which weekend of Summer 2014 she could plan my hendo and I had to get back to her once I'd checked the race diary cos I'd planned that far ahead!
    I have a 50miler coming up in October and am so excited. Love your plan of 20miles, lunch, 15miles dinner then run the rest of the way!
