Monday, December 16, 2013

Wonderful Winter Weekend


I hope you had a nice weekend.  Mine was filled with time with family, holiday activities, and lots of snow.  On Saturday, we drove to my mother-in-laws to do our yearly gingerbread house decorating.  I have decorated a gingerbread house every year since I can remember.  When I was little my mom would bake all the pieces for the houses and then my dad would build them.  Then all us kids would get together with frosting and candy and have a blast decorating. 

 This year my husband and I decided to work on one together.  I've never made a wood pile before (from pretzels) and I think it's a nice addition.  Also, chocolate rocks were a new addition this year that made fantastic paths.  

The drive was a little rough on the way there - took an extra hour due to the snow - but it was still fun because that meant an extra hour of holiday music in the car.  Definitely got my fill.

 On Sunday, I almost finished my Christmas shopping!  So close.  And then of course there was grocery shopping.  And then present wrapping!  We officially have presents under our tree; it's a beautiful thing.

This morning I took the dogs out in the snow, which was almost up to my knees...


I really don't think I've ever seen Lincoln and Jax have so much fun together.  They were sprinting around like crazy.  I was laughing hysterically.  I hope that tired them out!

Well I'm off to work.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend and Monday treats you kindly.

Do you have lots of snow right now?  How was your weekend?


  1. Can we talk about how you're basically a professional gingerbread house decorator??? Looks GORGEOUS! I hibernated as much as I could this weekend but was out for a bit on Saturday. Truth-be-told I wish I could have been cuddled up next to the fire the whole time!

  2. Love the pics!

    We got less than 6" here, but it was enough to be a bit stressful for all of the activities with the kids!

    I got in an 8 mile run in the snow on Saturday, and on Sunday we had our baking day - which was great! We do a gingerbread train rather than a house. I will be putting all of that on the blog later on :)

    Love the dog pics - dogs are a blast in the snow!

  3. Nice gingerbread house! I don't know if I'll have time to do that this year but I have in the past and it's so much fun! I definitely hibernate when the weather is bad. It's just human nature, I guess!

  4. We got quite a bit of snow saturday *Still waiting for the plow to come through*. Your dogs are TOO CUTE! I bought my dad a go-pro camera for Christmas this year so he can hook it up to his dog (in addition to his bike and kayak). I can't wait to see puppy-view video of his dog playing in the snow :)

  5. I am in middle of nowhere Pennsylvania this week and we have about 4 inches of snow. I LOVE snow. but not when I'm driving. I can't believe that christmas is next week. I only have one more gitf to buy and I'm done shopping :)
