Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Few Updates

Hi there!
Back to business as usual this week.  I thought I would be exhausted from the weekend of weddings, but I’m actually feeling pretty rested.  I did climb into bed at 8:30 last night though.  The weddings were so beautiful!  Each was different and elegant in their own way.  Friday’s wedding was out in front of the water and Saturday’s was in a lovely church.  It was a whirlwind of getting nails and hair done, and spending lots of time with the brides which was a blast.  And I made it through my MOH speech and it went really well.  I felt like my voice was shaky while I was speaking, but people told me after I didn’t seem nervous so that made me feel good.  I’m so happy for both of my friends and ironically they are both honeymooning in Hawaii right now – woo!  Here’s some wedding pictures below because it would be no fun to not share pictures with you.

I really like this picture of my husband and I on the tracks down by the water...

Other news, I’m still resting my knee.  Yesterday I thought about running, but decided it wasn’t smart.  I have been doing stretches and foam rolling every day.  I was able to power walk with the pups yesterday morning which felt great to be out in the fresh cold air.  My husband and I missed them over the weekend while we were out of town.  I took a few steps to try to run yesterday and quickly decided against it.  I felt the tightness and I didn’t want to push it.  But I did get in a great 30 minute elliptical workout after work yesterday which I was super happy about.  It felt really great to be working hard and sweating!  I’m going to my doctor today and hoping to start PT if he recommends it.  I never knew how many runners deal with IT band issues until this experience.  At one of the weddings, I ended up talking to a guy who basically went through the same experience as me – he trained for 16 weeks wonderfully for a marathon and on his last long run he had a sharp pain on the outside of his knee, which turned out to be trouble with his IT band.  He then went to PT (was not able to run for a few weeks) and then did the marathon.  I’m not sure that will be my story, but it would be nice!  My goal right now is just to address this issue.  Marathon in 2 weeks – I’m not so sure.  There are several other races in October I could do instead, but we’ll see… 

 It has been like fall the last few days, but supposed to be hot today.  I made a chili on Sunday morning and my first homemade latte Monday morning.  I used Jamaican Me Crazy flavor coffee beans in the latte and wow were they flavorful.  Definitely my new favorite flavor.

How have you been?  Tell me something new in your life!


  1. IT band issues are the worst! You're doing everything right though so try to hang in there. Crossing my fingers you'll be ready for the marathon but like you said there's other races too.

    Not much new in my life. My leg has been acting up again so I opted out of an early run/gym session this morning. Definitely feel like I made the right decision.

    Have a great day Em!

  2. PT will do wonders, so will a good massage (which will hurt like heck...). Whats new in my life?!?!
    I got a new job which is why I've been pretty quiet lately. I haven't made an official announcement because I'm not 100% sure of my start date but it is such a HUGE relief :)

  3. I'm jealous that you're already making chili! It's almost 100 today, despite being SO cold yesterday. I've given up on predicting the weather and have just been eating PBJs. Good in all climates, ha. Glad your weddings went nicely!

  4. I hope the PT Helps you! Good luck! I know how frustrating IT bands can be! You look beautiful at both weddings! I love that you did different hair styles for each :)

  5. That pic of you and your husband is beautiful! Love your dress as well. I hope your knee is starting to feel better. Mine is slowly getting there. I can feel the muscles in my whole leg tightening.. eek.. half marathon is next week, so fingers crossed!
