Monday, September 23, 2013

Balance and the Macrobiotic Diet Revisited

Back when I started blogging – nine months ago – I was embarking on my newly discovered journey of the Macrobiotic Diet. 

In 2012, I dealt with a constant stream of sinus infections that left me feeling loopy, out of touch, frustrated, scared, and desperate for help.  I didn’t want antibiotics thrown at me anymore either.  So really I was looking for something more – and in that search I stumbled across several great books.  Ironically, a few of them were already sitting in my at home library, but I had not paid them nearly enough attention.  The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone touches on the Macrobiotic Diet (her Superhero diet is based on the Macrobiotic Diet).  I also had this other really cool book called The Hip Chick’s Guide to Macrobiotics which pushed me to buy The MILF Diet as well.  On top of that, my husband had bought me a collection of books on the Macrobiotic Diet for my birthday last January.  My point being, I’ve got all this information at my disposal and it’s time for me to revisit the Macrobiotic Diet and I want to share with you along the way.

I figured a nice refresher post was the way to start though because maybe you weren’t following my blog nine months ago and quite frankly, I need a refresher as well.  So here we go!  Keep in mind that I stick to a plant-based diet (with the very occasional dairy slip up) and therefore I’m turning to the Macrobiotic Diet as a means of growth.  Side note – I emailed a Macrobiotic Counselor in my area last night because I now want to make the jump to schedule a consultation/cooking class.  I told her about my vegan diet, but I was still looking for a bit more and her response brought up things I hadn’t even mentioned.  Within her response were the phrases “inner strength” and “accomplish more things in life” and “continue to learn new things and move forward”… All of this hit home as I think it would to so many of us.  I’m constantly trying to be the best me.  I know I’m wandering in this post right now, but stick with me.

So what’s the Macrobiotic Diet?  In the words of Jessica Porter, author of the MILF Diet, it’s “to help you stay balanced, happy, and healthy by helping you harmonize with nature”.  Oh I love that.  At the very basis the components of the Macrobiotic Diet include:  whole grains, vegetables, plant-based proteins, sea vegetables, natural sweets, and fermented foods.

Basically, this post is just to kind of update you and myself.  It’s all about balance, about feeling connected, Yin and Yang.  I promise to go into more detail along this (re)journeying.  If any of this interests you though, click on the “My Macrobiotic Journey” link on the right hand side.  It will give you a quick refresher and I’ve made an extensive grocery list within there as well.

That’s all I’ve got today, but there’s more to come, I promise.

Does any of this interest you?  How was your weekend?


  1. I'm happy to see you back on about your macrobiotic diet. I feel like it has been awhile! Yes it interest me :)

  2. I think it's awesome that you e-mailed a support buddy to help you re-establish your macrobiotic goals. My mom kept this diet at times when I was growing up so I'm super familiar with it. I only have a hard time giving up dairy. I don't eat it that often, but cheese is my weakness.
