Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Few Updates

Hi there!

Fall is such a beautiful time of the year.  I feel so calm being outdoors when the leaves have turned. I love that the weather is colder and the lattes are hotter (even though I am taking a break from coffee right now).  My husband and I have been raking our yard like crazy the last two weekends.  Our yard gets a lot of leaves.  Our technique is that my husband uses the magical leaf blower to move the leaves off the deck/patio/stairs and I rake into piles.  Then together we rake the leaves onto the tarp and drag them to the front yard by the street.  Woo!  It definitely feels like an accomplishment after each batch.  I’d say October is one of my favorite months – probably second to December because I love the weeks leading up to the holidays.  It’s hard to believe we’re already nearing the end of October.  Time just flies.  Got to enjoy fall while it lasts.  It comes so brilliantly and leaves so quickly.  I try to enjoy the fall weather while I’m at work by taking a walk on lunch when I can and looking out the window as much as possible…

I figured I’d update you on how my 5 days of really clean eating is going (remember that goal I set last week?).  In two words:  not perfect.  But hey I guess I never said I would be perfect about it.  So you know when you set a goal for yourself, but maybe even before you set the goal you were doing a really good job, and then you set the goal and somehow it become harder?  For example, I feel like I put that no sugar/no flour statement out there and then of course all I can think about is pancakes and cookies when really I don’t eat that stuff that much to begin with.  Long story short, I haven’t been perfect about it.  I ordered a delicious vegetable pizza Saturday night with broccoli, mushroom, spinach, and extra sauce.  It was sooo tasty and paired perfectly with watching Hocus Pocus.  And then there was that glorious Rice Dream Cookie Pie while my husband and I were roaming around the grocery store.  We were at the extra big grocery store so I had to take advantage since I have those like 3X a year.

I’m really proud of my breakfasts though.  I’ve been having greens.  This morning I sautéd collard greens in a tbsp. of sesame oil with garlic and then added in sunflower seeds and raisins, and ate that on top of brown rice.  I’ve also been cooking whole oats (or groats I think they’re called?), which reminds me I need to soak those tonight to cook up tomorrow morning.  I guess I did make a lot of glorious recipes last weekend too so maybe I’m doing better than I give myself credit for.  After all I haven’t had any lattes.  I’m really seeing how I feel without coffee every day.

I’m still not running.  I don’t want to push it with that walking pneumonia that crept in.  Power walks with my doggies are so much fun.  I’ll get back into running when the time is right.

That’s my little update.  I hope all is well in your world.

Tell me something about your week!


  1. Great job listening to your body! I think power walks with doggies are the best medicine!!

  2. I'm exactly the same. The second I try to cut something else my cravings for it increase 10 fold! I guess no one is perfect right. You're my injury walking buddy :) No need to push it when you can take those doggies out for a leisurely stroll right?

    1. Exactly! You're my walking buddy too :) Hope you are enjoying your walks outside in this fall weather!

  3. You are too pretty for words and I LOVE your doggie pics. Enjoy this gorgeous time of year :).

    1. Sara, that was such a nice compliment! Thank you so much and hope you have a wonderful day! :)
