Monday, January 6, 2014

Lunch Talk


 This weekend we had a birthday party on Saturday with family that was lots of fun.  The kids enjoyed sledding while I mostly just chilled at the top of the hill with the dogs, but I did go down once!  That was a workout climbing back up the hill plus I chased after Jax a bit when he wasn’t listening to me because I didn’t want him to bother the other sledders.  I enjoyed Amy’s pizza both Friday and Saturday for dinner, but different kinds, so there was some variety.  Those pizzas are just so tasty.

Sunday was filled with errands like renewing our contract on the cell phones.  Very exciting, I know.  But it ended up being a good thing because we weren’t planning on getting new iPhones, but found out that if we traded in our old ones, we could get the new one at a small price.  Yay!   

 And then there was grocery shopping which I actually really like to do most of the time.  I really need to make a better effort to bring sufficient lunches to work.  Often times in the morning I’m scrambling and then I get to lunchtime at work and am totally unhappy with my options.  Therefore, I bought an Amy’s Enchilada frozen meal, Ezekiel bread for PB&J sandwiches, organic apple sauce for snacking as well as organic peaches and pear fruit cups for more snacking.  I’m the type that likes to eat my way through the work day.  I also bought ALT Peanut Butter Cookie bars (Larabar brand) because I saw them at Target and have never had them before.  I was excited that they were vegan too.  Lastly, I bought a massive bag of romaine lettuce, baby carrots, and organic balsamic dressing because I need more salad in my life.  With this freezing weather, I tend to gravitate towards hot meals, leaving salads behind.   

Last night I had veggie lasagna and was craving a big salad alongside.  Fantastic.

Ok, now that you know all about the food I bought, I will let you go.  It’s supposed to become CRAZY cold tonight and into tomorrow.  Like the kind of cold that no one should be outside.  I guess the pups will just have to skip there walk and snuggle inside instead.

Have a great Monday!

What do you bring for lunch each day?  Any suggestions for me?


  1. Probably not helpful, but I always have water at my desk, some decent tea, pistachios (unsalted) for any snack-time, and my lunches are typically fruit-centric. I am a pain because I can just eat the same thing again and again ...

    1. Pistachios are so good! I should get a bag of those. I need to get more fruit too. Thank you!

  2. I love to snack all day too! I'm not a fan of huge meals. My favorite "lunches" consist of carrots and hummus and some type of fruit like grapes or raspberries. I'm also addicted to tortilla chips right now so I sometimes dip those in my hummus! I usually have some sort of chocolately flavored protein bar for dessert to satisfy my sweet tooth :)

  3. Salad is colorful and pretty!

  4. I'm obsessed with Amy's stuff! They paired up with me for my blogaversary givewaway later this month and sent me a bunch of coupons, as well. Glad to know the pizzas are tasty, I've been eyeing them but haven't committed yet!

    1. I love there vegan no cheese veggie pizza and then I add daiya to it myself and it's SO GOOD!!! I bet you'll really like it! :)
