Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pregnancy Journey - 13 Weeks

I wrote this post on February 4, 2014 – 13 Weeks

I definitely feel pregnant at 13 weeks.  To outsiders I may not look it, but I certainly feel different.  I think I look a little different too.  I told my work last week which was very fun and also a relief that they know now.  Everyone was so kind and it’s really fun sharing the news!

I’ve been feeling really good.  New things this week:  hey, acne.  Really I feel like 8th grade me dealing with pimples.  They are mostly sticking to my forehead region on my face, which at least I can (try to) cover with makeup.  Definitely my hormones are taking charge there…I haven’t dealt with acne like this in years.  But on the plus side, in the last few days it cleared up a lot.

I’ve also been having what I can only explain as “growing pains” in my stomach region.  They kind of freaked me out at first because it kind of felt like a stomach ache, but really it felt more like a stretching.  The other day I sneezed and wow did I feel a quick sort of pain on my side.  Pain isn’t the right word though.  More like a pinch.  It just feels like that area is growing and therefore I’m feeling the stretch of my midsection.  I, of course, Googled “13 weeks growing pains” and felt much better after coming across many forums of women experiencing the same thing.

Work dresses are the best right now...(excuse the slippers)

It excites me to know that our baby is the size of a peach today!  Come on second semester!

I’m thoroughly enjoying maternity tops.  Not that I actually need them at this point, but they are so fantastically long and comfy, I’m jumping right in.  Plus they really don’t look like maternity tops since I’m not really showing yet. Although, there is definitely a bump because I used to look down and it was flat and now my stomach area sticks out just a bit.

My next appointment is in three weeks and I can’t wait to hear the baby again and see how we’re progressing.  Today I ate the most delicious tempeh bacon and “chicken” ranch wrap from my favorite vegan café and I swear I could eat them daily.  I need to learn how to perfect those at home!  I’m still finding that by 9PM – sometimes even 8PM – I’m ready for bed.  But I have been finding that getting up earlier this week has been easier.  I got up by 6:30AM both today and yesterday and I didn’t feel like I was dragging myself.  I haven’t had any coffee since I found out I was pregnant, but there have been a few days that I was craving a black coffee.  Still not over my aversion to soy milk.  Italian food is my favorite right now, but I’m making a point to get more fruits and veggies in my diet because for a bit there they weren’t sounding appetizing at all.   

 I’ve had salads with meals that last two days so that’s a step up.  Tonight for dinner we’re having sesame tofu with kale/spinach and sweet potato sides, so that’s some good color to my diet.  I wasn’t feeling so great about my diet when all I was consuming was cereal, toast, and bagels.

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies - yes please!
 This weekend my parents are coming to visit to help move furniture around.  Basically we need to clear the desk and dresser out of the baby’s room, which really means a lot of clothe organization for me.

So that’s 13 weeks for me!  I’m really starting to feel pregnant now and I’m loving it.


  1. OMG! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to follow your pregnancy :) You look fantastic! Are you going to keep up with your macrobiotic diet? I always felt that doctors frowned upon vegan diets during pregnancy, what have they said to you?

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  2. THANK YOU! :) I definitely plan on keeping with my vegan/macrobiotic diet. That being said though, I have had eggs a fews times at the beginning and dairy slipped in here and there, but as of late I've really been sticking to cleaner eating, especially more towards macrobiotics. I was totally worried about my doctor's reaction to my vegan diet and they were surprisingly ok. Just wanted to make sure I was getting enough protein (which of course I knew would be brought up haha). I make a point to track my protein each day though and I definitely don't plan on bringing any meat back. I'll do more posts about macrobiotics soon! Hope all is well!

  3. I accidentally buy maternity clothes at Target alll the time. The clothes are just so cute! I actually laughed a little bit at the idea of stomach growing pains, but in a neat (kind of weird? maybe I'm weird?) way, that's how you can feel the baby is growing. My coworker's wife just had a baby and he said that when she started getting acne, he somehow ended up with sympathy acne lol

    1. The Target maternity clothes rock! I love when they go super cheap because of sales...hoping to hit one of those soon!

  4. Congrats!!! I too battle pregnancy acne. "Wives tales" say it means a boy but when you have that much more hormones running through your veins I'm sure these pimples just have to pop up. I also say embrace the pregnancy clothes (when you want to) they are just so much more comfortable! I even wear them when I am not as I enjoy the band covering up my rear so I don't have to worry when bending over.

    1. Thank you! I guess that wives tale was right for me because I'm having a baby boy! I am totally embracing maternity pants now. They are just wayyy comfortable. I love the way they go up high too haha!
