Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pregnancy Journey - 9 Weeks

I wrote this post on January 7, 2014 - I’m 9 weeks along in my pregnancy today!

This morning was the first time I’ve exercised since finding out I was pregnant.  YAY!  I’ve been walking my dogs, but I haven’t been doing anything besides that and man I was getting antsy to do something!  The nausea hasn’t been too present the last 24 hours and I really felt like I needed to get in a workout.  I went on the elliptical in the basement this morning and just took it easy for 20 minutes.  Watched one Friends episode and it was great.  My goal is going to be to do that 3-5 days/week.  I also want to get back into running, but I have to wait until it’s not ridiculously freezing out or get a treadmill, both of which I’m hoping will happen soon.

My biggest symptom right now is feeling emotional.  I know that’s to be expected though.  I just feel a bit irritable right now.  Fantastic, I know.  I’m happy the nausea has subsided right now, but at the same time it worries me a little because I’m not sure why I feel better.  I know I should be happy that I feel better, but I just hope that means everything is OK.

 Last weekend I used a gift card from Christmas to buy some new cute clothes from Loft.  I bought two long sweaters that are a bit loser and perfect for work.  I also bought 3 cute kind of oversize tee-shirts for the weekends and two pairs of leggings.  Much more comfortable than being in a tight pair of jeans.

I’ve been making an effort to eat more vegetables now that I’ve been feeling better.  For a while there I didn’t want any raw veggies, but the last two nights I have made big salads to go alongside dinner which has been delicious.  Cheerios has been my go-to cereal when I wake up because it’s bland and tastes good.  I’ve still been going strong with a sprouted wheat bagel with Tofutti a few hours later.

My next appointment is January 20th and it can’t come soon enough.  I just want to know that everything is going well inside.

Happy update:  my husband and I had a blast at Target last Sunday registering for lots of baby stuff.  I love that there is an app on our phone that we can just scan things as we decide what we like.  We just stuck with the basics since we don’t know the sex of the baby yet.  I really have no intuition as to whether I think it’s a boy or girl.  I’m not leaning one way or the other either besides the fact that we have a girl’s name close to picked out and nothing for a boy.  But really that makes no difference because whatever this little baby is will be just right.

Pregnancy Weeks 10-15 to come...

Other Pregnancy Posts:


8 Weeks

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