Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hi There, Third Trimester!


Well, today I had tacos for lunch and then a few hours later a tempeh BLT sandwich.  That definitely screams third trimester hunger.

It wasn’t so bad getting out of bed Monday morning, but it was hard saying goodbye to Sage when I dropped him off at the sitter.  He came down with an ear infection on Sunday and still wasn’t 100% back to himself.  He did sleep through the night and wake up his happy self, but I could tell it was hard for him to let go of the weekend.  It was a weekend of fun.  We celebrated my dad’s birthday on Saturday.  Sage got to ride the carousel and run around the mall.  We ordered Chinese for lunch and my husband and I brought the lemon raspberry cake.  Sage even slept the whole car ride home which is always a plus.  My husband and I got to listen to a podcast and relax.

Out of the blue on Sunday morning Sage started crying hysterically and pulling on his ear.  Luckily our pediatrician is open on Sundays and we were able to take him that day.  He spent the morning cuddling on the couch with us which just about never happens.  My husband and I kept looking at each other like, “is he really just sitting here with us?”.  As much as we love to snuggle with Sage, we also knew it must mean he wasn’t feeling right because he normally is all play.  Nap time was tough because Sage just couldn’t get comfortable with his ear hurting him.  I was happy to let him nap on me for an hour and a half though.  We just rocked in his chair as I attempted to hold him like a baby even though his legs were hanging off the chair and my baby belly was in the way.  I still cherished every second of it.

On Monday, Sage slept in and I focused on getting his lunch ready.  Overnight chia oats for breakfast and black bean noodles with tomato sauce and cheese for lunch.  Veggie pouch, banana, and fruit strip for snacks.  Got to make sure he doesn’t go hungry!  My husband had leftovers from the weekend and I totally dropped the ball and didn’t bring anything for myself.  Luckily my work has a cafĂ© with a salad bar, so I’m never without food.

Today, Sage got to spend the day with my dad!  Sage was saying "papa" early in the morning when I told him grandpa was visiting and was very happy to see him walk through the door.  Normally Sage goes to his sitter's house so this was a special treat.  It was a treat for me too because I went into work a little late.  I started the day with blueberry pancakes.  I'd say that's a wonderful way to start a Tuesday as well as the fact that I'm officially in the third trimester with this pregnancy!!

It has been another good week.  I’ve gotten solid leep, I’ve eaten lots of delicious food and I’m feeling well.  I’m tired though.  I suppose that is certainly to be expected.  We have plans to set up baby boy’s room this weekend.  I can’t wait to organize and make it all ready for him.  There really isn’t that much to do, but just making a little progress here and there makes me feel good.  My sister-in-law just had a sweet baby girl so it will be a little while before we get any of the hand-me-down clothes back, but I’d like to at least have the room setup and ready for him.  We have a rock n’ play that Sage slept in for the first few months because of his reflux, but I’m wondering if I should get a bassinet this time.  I foresee using the rock n’ play all around the house during the day like we did with Sage, but maybe it would be nice to have a bassinet next to our bed in the beginning.  There is a huge neighborhood sale in May and I’m hoping I can find something then.

I just said goodbye to my dad who had a wonderful day with Sage, and P.B. & Cookies Ben & Jerry's is calling my name...and Sage is still napping.  I think I better take a few minutes and just sit on the couch with my dog and my ice cream.

What's new in your world?


  1. Aw poor Sage! It's funny you said "is he really just sitting with us?" That's also when we know Claire is really not feeling well too. She does not cuddle AT ALL! Only when she's super tired or sick.

    I'm so excited to hear about your new little one coming and how mommyhood with two is for ya!

    1. Thanks Melissa! I know they never just sit and relax so you gotta cherish the moments whenever it does happen!
