Wednesday, August 7, 2013

200 Miles, Pasta & Pups

Good morning!
I really did not feel like getting out of bed this morning.  I needed to get a run in though.  Also, I knew I would feel much better after a run.  So mentally I wanted to run, but sometimes it's just so hard getting up!
Once I was up I let the pups out and had a glass of water, 1/2 banana, and 1/2 peanut butter gel.  Oh and then I put on this colorful outfit!  It was kind of tough taking a picture outside of my whole self, but I tried :)
I did a nice 5 miler this morning all on the road.  Good thing I brought my water bottles because I was thirsty the whole run.  I definitely don't think I drank enough water yesterday - too much coffee!  This run made it so I've hit 200 miles of marathon training - YES!
 Yesterday my husband went and got our dogs from their grandparents house.  It was wonderful having them back at home.  They really are such happy dudes.
We were all tired last night so a simple dinner it was, a little TV, and sleep!  And now I'm off to work.  Have a nice day!
What did you have for dinner last night?


  1. Aw, well don't you look like a breath of fresh air with your color running apparel :)

  2. Love the outfit! At least cars will notice you! ;-) How are you with drinking from those water bottles on a run? I have similar ones and I swear I look like a mess trying to run AND drink water. Something to work on, I suppose ;-)

    1. Thanks! I definitely do not use them gracefully but I've gotten better with time. I rely heavily on my water bottles while running..I just get so thirsty!

  3. Last night I made the best salmon ever. Tonight I'm going to test out a new falafel recipe :)

  4. Love your outfit! I am always more motivated when I "get dressed up" for the gym or a run lol. Dinner last night was dairy-free cauliflower gratin, asparagus and shrimp...all leftovers...obviously ;)

    1. Me too! I love when I love my running outfit because it makes me feel hard-core haha!

  5. We did pizza last night but not the simple kind of pizza - I made the sauce AND dough so I don't feel like making a lavish dinner tonight because of it haha. Yay for 200 miles!! I can't wait to get a run in hip flexor has been pain-free for the second day in a row. That means good things, right?!

    1. You are so awesome for making the sauce and the dough! I have never done that but should! I hope your hip flexor is feeling better :)

  6. Love Tofurky, they are a great vegan and salty snack! :)

  7. I always feel like running mentally.... its the whole physically doing it that gets me every morning ;-)

  8. A bright outfit is the second-best cure I know for getting my dragging butt out of bed for a run.

    [The best? A 'dangling carrot' of coffee bribery for when I return!]
