Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Five Things Tuesday

 Hello there!
So I figured the best way to update you was to spit out 5 little updates from my life.  Sound good?  Also, thank you so much for all your kind words on my 1st Anniversary post!!  They were so sweet =)
Here I go on 5 updates:
1. A 16 mile run CAN feel amazing.  Honestly, last Friday brought the best run of my life so far.  I'm not saying it was easy, but I was feeling wonderful at mile 14.  My pace was 8:50!  I think that trail running two weekends ago made me stronger!  I hope the long runs continue to feel good.  I have an 18 miler coming up.
2. Buying my sneakers online is the way to go ($49.99!!!!) - note the 50% off.  I spent $140 on my first pair of great running shoes 3 years ago, but now I've learned that I can get the same quality, but cheaper online.
  I fell in love with the Nike LunarGlide + 3 and I've had 3 pairs, but in looking at the miles I've put on my shoes, I realized I'm going to need another pair come September.  Of course now Nike is on LunarGlide +5 so the ones I love are tough to find, but my husband found them at www.sneakerhead.com.  They haven't arrived yet, but I hope they feel fantastic which they should if they are just like my other pairs.
 IMPORTANT QUESTION:  How many miles do you put on your sneakers before getting a new pair?!  I've heard 300-500 miles...thoughts?
3.  One year old wedding cake does taste GOOD!  My husband and I followed tradition on this one and saved the top layer of our wedding cake to eat on our anniversary.  It had been in my parents freezer (thank you!).  It paired fantastically with a vegan pizza and coconut milk ice cream along side the cake.
Another cake picture to show you the inside.  That raspberry filling held up just lovely.
4.  It's worth spending $40 on two pairs of QUALITY running shorts.  After running 16 miles in an old cheap pair of running shorts, the band around the waste left me almost with what I would describe as rug burn - and it really hurts!  And it's all around my waist.  Not cool.  Then I thought "Emily, if you are going to make the effort to run 16 miles, you deserve a decent pair of shorts to do it and ones that don't scar your body!"  Enter wonderful Nike shorts that are so soft around my waste - WOO HOO!
5.  I love family pictures!  You probably could have guessed that.  This picture was tough getting those pups to both look at the camera.  But for a moment, they did it.  Each of our parents graciously offered to take a pup so we could go away for the weekend.  It was strange being without the dogs, but we were so happy they were in good homes over the long weekend. 
Again, how many miles do you put on your running sneaks before getting a new pair?
What is a goal of yours for August? 


  1. I like the idea of pairing cake with coconut milk ice cream... & of course pizza!

    I would always put around 350-400 on mine before switching :)

    1. Absolutely!! And thanks for your comment on miles!

  2. Out of curiosity...I am guessing your wedding cake was vegan? If so, that is awesome! :)

    1. It isn't vegan actually! We originally had planned on it being vegan but in the end it wasn't. I wasn't eating strictly vegan a year ago so I let the cake slide ;)

  3. I love it when I rock long runs congrats! I wish I could run in those Nikes your wear but my high arches need more support. I usually keep shows until 200 miles, I wear them to workout classes and it adds more wear and tear on them. I can usually feel it in my calves when they need changing. My goal for August is to enjoy summer as much as possible. :)

    1. Your August goal sounds great! This is the first time I'm really keeping track of my miles on my sneakers so I'm not sure how soon I'll need to switch to a new pair. Thanks for sharing!

  4. That's awesome that you finished a SIXTEEN mile run that strong! I bet you had quite the runner's high! You're kicking butt all over the place!

    I usually do about 400 miles on my shoes and I think I'm definitely closing in on needing new shoes. Like you, I spent $140 on my first pair of real running shoes so I'm hoping I can score them a little cheaper this time around now that I know what I'm looking for!

    1. THANK YOU!!! Isn't it crazy how expensive sneakers are?! Worth it though but still I like getting them on sale!

  5. I'm crazy impressed at how good 1 year old cake looks, especially with a fruit filling.

  6. I love that you eat a piece of your wedding cake! That is so freakin cute ;) Not sure how many miles I put on my shoes but the second I see some cracks in the arch is when I purchase a new pair (usually between 4-6 months depending on activity). I used to be a nike girl but recently switched to asics and love them!

    1. Asics rock! They were the first brand I had and I was so impressed. I'm sure ill gravitate to them again...thanks for your comment!

  7. What an awesome run! It's so true, sometimes those long runs can actually feel better than the short ones. Guess it just depends on the day. :) Great job!

    1. Thanks so much! It's so strange how sometimes longer ones feel better.

  8. Girl - you are such a fast runner! You're giving me some serious inspiration right now! That wedding cake looks amazing...hope it was awesome. And I love the family pic, too ;).

  9. I usually go about 400-500 miles; but my knees and hips tell me when it's time for a replacement pair!
