Monday, September 30, 2013


Hi there

I know I’ve been away for a few days and I will continue to be away for a bit.  I’m still around – just focusing on life itself right now – and blogging has to take a backseat.  I hope all is well and I will continue to read all of your blogs.  I’ll still be on Twitter and available by email if you want to get in touch.  I’ll leave you with a positive quote for the day…


  1. Take as long as you need Em! Focus on you and what you need right now!

  2. Blogging does take alot of time and energy. Focus on yourself...your readers will still be here :)

  3. Hope all is well - blog breaks are good, for oh-so-many reasons.

    Hope the IT band continues to heal, and we'll see you back when you're ready!! :)

  4. Blogging ill always be here. Do what you need to do hunnie <3

  5. Hang in there, love! Blogging will be here when you get back. XO

  6. Hey I hope your doing OK. I know what you mean by needing to focus on life :) Take care of yourself.
