Thursday, October 3, 2013

Chit Chatting About Hair


Thanks for being so understanding about my taking a blogging break.  My posts might be more sporadic, but please know I’m still here along with Love A Latte, and I love reading your blogs.  I’m going to keep this post incredibly lighthearted and talk about something girlie like hair – or my hair for that matter.  Ok, so every morning I wrestle to get a brush through my hair after showering. I’ve had this problem since I was little.  Unless I use about a pound of conditioner, my air just gets so knotty.  I’ve got fine hair that likes to form massive impossible knots so normally every year I cut it shorter.  However, somehow it’s been over a year and I haven’t cut my hair – just trims.  But as I think most ladies can relate, don’t you just get bored with your hair sometimes?  I’ve gotten perms, colored my hair dark brown, cut my hair to my chin, gotten bangs, gone blonde again...

This is me right now.  Yes, I took this self portrait at Starbucks ;)

I’ve got a hair appointment scheduled in two weeks.  Time for a change.  Maybe I’ll go blonder and shorter or blonder and just add layers…any thoughts?  I’d love to hear your opinions. 

Here’s two potential pictures I like.

Other news, I’ve got an appointment scheduled with a Macrobiotic Counselor coming up!  I’m so excited.  The woman is going to make us a macrobiotic breakfast, then I’ll have my appointment with her to discuss my goals, and then lunch.  At the very least, I’m excited to experience the food.  If Macrobiotics is something that interests you, I encourage you to go to the library and take out the book The Hip Chick’s Guide to Macrobiotics or The Kind Diet or my new favorite The MILF Diet.  All incredibly informative.

I hope you are having a good week.  I am so happy tomorrow is Friday.  This weekend I want to enjoy AUTUMN.  I want to drive to the country and admire the beautiful colors of fall, get a big pumpkins, drink hot lattes, walk on crunchy leaves with my pups, and relax…

How are you?  What are your weekend plans?


  1. I have wedding #4,893 to go to this weekend. I definitely get bored with my hair, too -- when I was in high school, I cycled through literally every color besides white. I like the first look best! I'm always a fan of shorter hair though. It's just so much easier to deal with.

    1. Have a great time at that wedding! I'm a short hair fan too b/c it's way easier to handle especially because I need low maintenance hair. What was your favorite hair color? I did pink underneath in high school and loved it! :)

  2. Em! Thanks for popping in :) Don't even get me started on my hair....I have the thickest curliest hair you could imagine. I used to straighten it all the time and was blonde for a while but that totally fried it. My one suggestion is to avoid dying if you can. I think your color is beautiful so keep it! But I feel ya on changing it up. I love the first one but would have a hard time not getting it into a ponytail I think. Keep us posted :)

    Hope the IT band is healing love!

    1. Thanks so much Davida! I'm still resting the IT band and just trying not to stress about it. I always wanted curly hair - I used to get perms when I was little haha!

  3. What kind of conditioner are you using? I use pureology and have no tangles at all using a small amount of the product.

    Love both of those beautiful hair pics...see what your stylist thinks :). I've thought about doing a chop myself....we'll see!

    1. Thanks for the tip - I need to check pureology out! It's always tempting to chop it off, right?! :)

  4. I recently did a significant hair change and love it! It's always nice to get a little change and I know it's cliche, but hair does grow back...that's why it can be fun to experiment!

    1. So true! Thanks Allee :) Hope all is well - good to hear from you!

  5. I went through this a month ago. I decided to but off 8 inches of my hair. It is still really long but much more healthy. I'm always a fan of going blonder. :)
