Monday, August 26, 2013

Great Book and Recipes To Come


Check out that sunflower in our backyard!!! Pure happiness.

I'm coming to you with a bowl of organic whole wheat pasta on this Monday on lunch at work :) Cell phone post so sorry for the lack of color...

I was in North Carolina over the weekend celebrating one of my best friend from high school's Bachelorette! It was a blast and I had the best veggie burger of my life (imagine picture of mouthwatering burger!).  And guess what the best thing about spending too much time in one weekend at airports is? I read a whole book between Saturday and Sunday.

I read Scott Jurek's Book - Eat & Run. It's about his journey to becoming an ultramarathon runner and sticking to a plant-based diet. I loved it x million. It's an honest story from him as a child to the present and filled with wisdom, emotion, and optimism.  And what I loved SO MUCH is that he includes recipes SO...

My next adventure on my blog is making my way through each of his recipes and sharing them with you - all plant-based and all look delicious!

First one on the list for tonight:  Homemade Rice Milk. 

Get excited! 

How was your weekend???