Tuesday, April 16, 2013

That Training Plan

Remember that training plan I posted, oh I don't know, back in January?  I kind of stuck to it.  I didn't run as much as the plan called for.  I probably ran about 3 days/week and I had to take two weeks off to rest my knees and then life got really crazy busy with moving.  But I did get in my final long run on Sunday!  It was 10 miles - I was hoping for 12 before the half marathon - but I'm still quite happy with that!  My half marathon is less than two weeks away now (12 days if you're counting!)  This will be my third half and I'm very excited.  I hope I stay feeling good the next two weeks and that the race brings a cool, sunny day.  

My long run on Sunday was pretty awesome.  I essentially told myself if you get this long run in and it feels good, then you can race.  I hadn't done a long run in a little over two weeks so it felt really important to see where my body was at.

Here was gear for the long run:  sneaks (I decided I'm still wearing these pink ones sometimes), water bottle, cliff gel, cell phone, and house key!


It started out a very spring like morning, a little cool, but the sun was shining.  So I wore a short sleeve top, no gloves or hat, and just my arm warmers.  That was all fine and dandy until about mile 8.5 where the weather took a drastic turn and it started hailing.  I truly just laughed.  My husband texted me during my run "are you warm enough!?"  Thank you hubby :)  I was not quite warm enough, but it was good motivation to run faster.  I have to say I think I prefer hail over rain.  At least the hail was just bouncing off of me and it really made me run the last 1.5 miles fast because I wanted to be done.  That hot decaf green taste never tasted so good as it did after my long run. 
So that's my long run.  Overall, it was a blast and I ran faster than I have in a while (8:30 miles).  I would love to run that fast during the race so we'll see what the day brings.

Grocery shopping happened on Sunday as well.  I love long run days because I just eat my heart out...and I'm hungry all day.  Here's a glimpse at some groceries...

 Bottom line - my training plan did not go as planned.  Seems they never do.  But there have been many fun runs.  That last long run was through my new neighborhood and I fell even more in love with the area we moved to.  The neighborhoods and trails were endless...  There will be more training plans to come because I want to race more this summer and fall!
Also, I wanted to end my post my sending lots of love to the victims in Boston yesterday as well as their families.  My heart goes out to them.  Let's send prayers their way :)

Do you like to make training plans?  Any races coming up? Or any recent races?

Did you grocery shop over the weekend?  What's your favorite food right now?


  1. Almost there! I always have high hopes of doing every single run of a training plan and it never works out. I have very tight calve muscles and when I'm marathon training 3 days a week is all I can do. So dont beat yourself up, sometimes less is more!

    I like following a modified Hal Higdons running program.

  2. If you at least keep thinking about a training plan, you're doing better than me! I love seeing your posts about running (and actually sounding like you enjoy running!) makes me feel a little more motivated to get out and take a jog.

  3. Oh my goodness I triple love your cute running shoes!
    We have the same fuel belt and I also like cliff gel hehe. Great runners think alike =)
    Glad you had a decent long run despite the hail. I *much* prefer running in the rain to the hail myself ;p
    8:30 miles is awesome!

  4. Running in hail is def on the extreme end! Ha! I actually love running in the rain, but only when it's over 80 out so you don't really get cold. Sounds like you are set for rocking your half!

  5. I ran in the hail on Saturday and was miserable! Only 3 miles though, so I never got warm :(

    I loved making my race plan...but I don't follow it! I work on getting a certain number of miles every week plus getting a 10+ mile run in every two weeks. Hopefully it works for me.

    I'm sure you'll rock your half! Third one, so awesome!

    Peach Smoothies!!!
