Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A New Workout

Good morning!

I don’t think I’ve ever talked to you about any sort of exercise besides running so it’s about time.  This isn’t the first time that I’ve had to take a break from running and turn to other forms of exercise.  There was a six month gap a few years back that I wasn’t running and I came back stronger (like ran an amazing half marathon with my husband four weeks after starting to run again).  I’m going to be giving out all positivity here about this running break because quite frankly if I let myself get upset about it, no good will come from that.  I know that there are plenty of things I can do to strengthen and tone my body that will in turn just make a better runner when I get back out there.  I’m still running, but they are more like “test” runs to see how I’m doing and no more than a mile in length.  When I get beyond that I’ll let you know.

Ok, so now it’s time to talk to you about Tracy Anderson Method Mat Workout DVD.  I’m a huge fan of Gwyneth Paltrow and Tracy Anderson is her trainer.  I’ve read articles where Gwyneth talks about how incredible Tracy is and how she transformed her body.  I’ve also watched interviews and I was intrigued.  I went on YouTube first to try a few of Tracy’s workouts (just clips) to see if I liked her instruction.  I’ve done plenty of Jillian Michael videos and Tracy is just more my kind of temperament.  The music is upbeat, but soothing.  There’s no yelling in her videos.  She somehow relaxes you while making every muscle in your body hurt like crazy from her exercises.

I thought I was in great shape until I did this hour long video this morning.  I’m a runner and before that I was a figure skater for ten years and played field hockey in high school and part of college.  I’ve got leg strength, but this video still kicked my butt.  I’d say the arm segment was the hardest for me because I’m severely lacking in that area and the abs were awesome as well.  Tracy does not give a ton of instruction so you have to pay attention to what she’s doing, but I know once I do the video a few more times, I’ll be much better at it.  All you need is a matt, two 3-pound weights, and a dining room chair (for one segment to use for balance).

Tracy’s goal is to give you feminine sculpting by working your smaller muscle groups.  I totally get it after this first time run through.  I’ll be honest, I had to modify some of the arm segment to make it through.  Also, there were some squatting that I did not do as to not irritate my IT band issue – during that time I did my IT band exercises instead.    I think that this video along with the elliptical on opposite days is just what I need.  Interestingly, there were some leg exercises that I felt were great for strengthening my hips and butt, and I think will be very beneficial for my IT band.  I will still be easing back into running as well…

Have you tried any of Tracy Anderson’s videos?  What’s the strongest part of your body?  I definitely have way more leg strength than arms.


  1. I always wondered about her videos. Thanks for the review :)
    I also have more leg strength than arm strength :)

  2. I love videos I can do at home and am always looking for new ones. This sounds great.

  3. Sounds like a great video! I have never tried one though.
