Saturday, June 6, 2015

Running Mama + Trying Formula

Hi there!

I'm back again as Sage naps and my husband works in the garden.  There's (always) plenty of housework to be done, but I don't dare make a sound because Sage just fell asleep and he needs a nap.

Today I ran my longest run yet since having Sage.  It's almost 10 months later, but I'm pleased.  Conquered 4 miles with Sage in the jogger stroller.  I really think running with the jogger is making me stronger and faster.  Pushing 30 pounds is no joke so when I go to run without the jogger I hope it pays off.  Sage had fun checking out the world.  It's a great way to start the weekend.

Once again we headed to Starbucks, the farmers market, and then Wegmans after my run.  Nice to fill the house with food all by lunch time on Saturday.  My husband fired up the grill when we got home.

And then it was time to play!  Sage practiced walking around our circle in his rolling chair.  First time and it was a blast.  

Hard to believe I'm going to be posting his 10 month update in another week.  The last few weeks we've been experimenting with Sage's diet to see if anything triggers the eczema that appeared on his face in the last month.  It could be the weather or some other environmental factor or it could be food, so we had to explore that option.  So, a few days ago we switched Sage to formula and plan on doing so for the next week.  It was brought to my attention that he could be allergic to something I eat, even if Sage doesn't, because he was exclusively breast fed it could be causing an allergic reaction in Sage.  Of course it's not for sure, but a possibility.

At 9 1/2 months old, Sage had his first formula bottle.  I had mixed feelings about it, but at the end of the day I want what's best for Sage.  We've been giving him Baby's Only Organic formula and my Honest Company sample just came in the mail today.  He's been taking the formula no problem and it doesn't seem to phase him at all.  We've also been using Babyganics soothing wipes and Babyganics Eczema Care Skin Cream.  Sage's cheeks are looking better!  Not 100% yet, but improved.  So it could be just the cream is helping or it could be another factor.  We aren't sure.  I'm going to keep pumping and freezing milk (plan is to go to one year) and we'll see how things go.  I thought I'd share our experience though because I know there are many mamas out there who deal with similar situations.

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

Did your baby have eczema?  Any tips?

Have you run lately?

1 comment:

  1. I know this was posted a while back but have you thought of using cloth wipes with just warm water to clean his bottom? That's what I'm using on my girls. So many of the wipes have nasty chemicals
