Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Pregnancy #2: 25 Weeks Update

Hi there!

I’m officially 25 weeks pregnant.  That third trimester is around the corner...  Oh my goodness!  It sort of hit me that while I still have a few months to go, I’m also a significant way through this pregnancy.  On that note I thought it would be nice to pop in for an official pregnancy update.  After eight hours of sleep last night I woke up this morning pretty energized.  Dragging myself out of bed wasn’t too bad and after showering I found an outfit I really like, so that always makes the workday better.  My husband and I had to go in and get Sage out of bed at 6:45AM so I was able to accomplish all my morning tasks quite easily before he woke up (breakfast, make lunches, make breakfast shakes, pack up my car with Sage’s stuff for the sitter and food for me at work, comb my hair, even put on makeup today…).  Sage got out of bed with a smile on his face.  We got him dressed for the day and he shared some of his daddy’s breakfast shake and had some raspberries, and then we were off!  I treated myself to Starbucks on the way to work because my mom gave me a gift card for Easter.  Hurray! 

Weight:  I’ve gained around 15 pounds I'm guessing. 

Sleep:  It has been a solid week of great sleep.  I only get up to pee sometimes.  I definitely toss and turn throughout the night, but I tend to get about eight hours each night and I’m soaking all that sleep in.  I took a two hour nap during Sage’s nap on Saturday which was amazing.  I typically never nap so this was a bit out of the norm for me, but I knew I needed it.  I woke up feeling better too.

Body:  I’m feeling good!  I’m definitely feeling the extra weight and boy am I ready to climb into bed each night.  My skin has been really clear this pregnancy and I’m loving that (please stay that way!).  I get random aches and pains, but nothing major.  We drove to visit family over the weekend and I wasn’t feeling so great in the car ride there and it was tough to get comfortable.  I think that had more to do with needing to eat something though.  Heartburn generally makes a strong appearance at bedtime and random points throughout the day. 

Cravings:  I’m enjoying more breakfast shakes.  Today’s lunch is a mixture of quinoa and lentils with tomatoes and spices.  I’m excited to dive into that with a pile of tortilla chips.  Tempeh BLTs were delicious on Monday.  I’m going strong with my bowl of cereal before bed.  I haven’t been cooking hardly at all this pregnancy.  It has been a lot of simple and basic meals.  I can’t wait to start grilling each night because I know that will make for lots of healthy dinners.

Best Moments:  Feeling baby boy kick and move around is my favorite.  I like to say hello to him and chat.  Sage is doing well with his arm cast which is such a relief.  Bath time is tough, so we’re doing more towel baths lately.  Visiting family for the holiday was fun and as always Sage was the main entertainment.  Sage also participated in his first Easter egg hunt over the weekend and had a blast.  

I have a strong desire to clean my house.  I should rephrase - really just want my house to be super clean before baby boy arrives, but the last thing I want to do after the workday is clean.  My husband and I are tackling rooms here and there and working to clean stuff out.  I have a feeling some more serious Spring cleaning will happen soon.  Sage is a pro at pushing around his toy vacuum.  If only that did the trick!

What’s new with you?

1 comment:

  1. Nothing new to report here! But I am excited for some real spring weather! Great update, you are doing awesome!
